Cardamom are recognised as small seed pods, spindle-shaped, with a thin, papery, outer shell and small black seeds.
It is the world's third most expensive Spice by weight, outstripped in market value only by Saffron and Vanilla.
It is also used in Baking in Nordic Countries such as in the Finnish sweet bread pulla or in the Scandinavian bread Julekake.
In the Middle East, green cardamom powder is used as a spice for sweet dishes, as well as traditional flavouring in coffee and tea.
In South Asia, green cardamom is often used in traditional Indian Sweets and Masala Chai (spiced tea).In the Middle East, green cardamom powder is used as a spice for sweet dishes, as well as traditional flavouring in coffee and tea.
Black cardamom is sometimes used in garam masala for curries. It is also used as a garnish in basmati rice and other dishes.
Individual seeds are sometimes chewed and used in much the same way as chewing gum.
It is even used by Wrigleys in its Eclipse Breeze Exotic Mint packaging indicates that it contains "cardamom to neutralize the toughest breath odors."
It has been known to be used for gin and in tisanes.
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