Thursday, 6 June 2013

Being Innovative and Autism

Innovation can be simply described as making changes to something that is already established,  by introducing new methods, ideas, or products. 
Words that describe innovative are avant garde, ingenious, inventive, cutting edge and contemporary.

 Unusual creativity that change the world represent a very small percentage.  Most of the innovations  come from a combination of hard work and seeing the world just a little bit differently than everyone else.

 I found this article interesting in terms of seeing the world just a little bit differently than everyone else.  It talks about employers seeking workers with autism.
"In high-functioning autism, features such as intense or obsessive focus and unwavering attention to detail are also common.
These latter qualities, experts say, as well an ability to approach an issue in a different way - often a creative or counter intuitive one - make autistic people potentially attractive as employees in large corporations.


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